SriLankan Responds To Email Queries
Below we reproduce responses to questions asked from SriLankan Airlines. A highly placed official responded to our questions on email but requested that we not name any official from the airline.
Q: What is the procedure when recruiting air hostesses to SriLankan Airlines (SLA) – is it compulsory for them to be single?
A: There are several procedures followed by SriLankan Airlines to recruit Cabin staff. The airline’s Recruitment Policy stipulates that (cabin crew) applicants are required to be single.
Q: Then why did SLA recuit a married lady from Tissamaharamaya in the Hambantota District, as an air hostess?
A: Cabin Crew N**, in her application to the airline, has confirmed that she is single. The application form in which an applicant endorses personal data with his/her signature, is deemed a valid document.
Q: Was it because she was from the President’s constituency?
A: As the National Carrier of Sri Lanka, SriLankan Airlines’ recruits employees from all around the country, as long as the applicants meet the recruitment criteria. In keeping with the national policy, the airline will continue to recruit and train staff from across the island, including rural areas, to give equal opportunities and to support the ‘Gama Neguma’ national programme.
Q: As requested by the government how much does the SLA planning to spend on her for plastic surgery in Singapore?
A: SriLankan Airlines’ has not received any requests for medical expenses.
Q: If N** has cheated SLA by not informing that she is married what action will your company take against her - it is now proven she is married to D** an army soldier
A: Once the Police investigation is over, the airline’s disciplinary procedures will follow, to ascertain if she has misrepresented facts to the airline.
Q: How many stewards / stewardesses have been recruited from Hambantota district for the past six years?
A: 26 Flight Attendants and one ground staff who opted to take the ground-handling position.
Q: Although most of them have come down on safety measure exams why were they still allowed to fly rather than giving them ground-handling work to gain experience?
A: Only the crew that are successful in all the safety procedure tests are recruited and rostered on SriLankan Airlines’ flights.
Q: Allegations have been levelled against the SLA for sending these unqualified girls and boys who are also not fluent in English straight to wide body aircrafts rather than on narrow body aircrafts.
A: SriLankan Airlines’ is reputed worldwide, as an airline which recruits and trains cabin staff to the highest standards stipulated in Aviation. The cabin crew are tested for many competencies of which, highest priority is given to areas such as Safety & Emergency Procedures. All cabin crew are conversant in English. Cabin Crew training is an on-going exercise to which the airline gives great emphasis. There is continuous training and skills development for cabin staff.
Q: Was this incident the reason for the Defence Ministry to inform the SLA not to recruit staff from Hambantota for a while?
A: SriLankan Airlines has not received any such instructions from the Defence Ministry.
Q: In regard to N** if she misled the SLA was it not a risk to send her to Australia with the President?
A: SriLankan Airlines’ always assigns competent cabin staff for VVIP flights.

මෙම වෙබ් පිටුවෙන් ඔබ වෙත ගෙන එන්නේ විවිධ වෙබ් අඩවි, පුවත්පත්, බ්ලොග් යනාදියේ සදහන් ප්රවෘත්ති අදහස් ආදියයි එමෙන්ම මාගේ හා විවිධ පාර්ශව වල අදහස්ද මෙහි පලකරයි.මෙහි සදහන් වන්නේ කාලීන හා දේශපාලනමය වැදගත්කමකින් යුතු තොරතුරු, අධ්යාපනික වශයෙන් වැදගත් වන තොරතුරු, 21වන සියවසේ ශ්රී ලාංකිකයකුට වැදගත් යැයි සිතෙන ඕනෑම දෙයක්
Sunday, January 15, 2012
ශ්රී ලංකන් ගුවන්සේවයේ අඩුපාඩුව........ (A conversatoin adopted by sundayleader........සන්ඩේලීඩර් වෙබ් අඩවියෙන් )
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